Entities or fragmented attachments are a silent epidemic that cause a person to not only be perpetually single or have relationship issues but also cause health issues. Sadly, our culture has lost this age old wisdom. Most often they drive a person to give up on being in a relationship or turn their nose up to relationships. They stir things up and cause dis-harmony. When they are deeply lodged they cause a myriad of health issues.

There is an easy fix that can save relationships and health issues – have them removed by a trusted Clearer. The cost is minimal compared to divorce fees, health bills or the often continuous medication that addresses symptoms rather than the root cause.

Entities, attachments and the inner critic

There are few Clearers who understand and remove lodged entities and attachments now. This hit home to me last week when I was talking to a client who was in Shamanic training and her ‘Shaman teacher’ didn’t understand the subject. Psychology is calling this the inner critic and yes there is an inner critic that is real but also this is what entities often connect to. They are never rallying for you and sending out good vibes. They are the quiet negative thoughts that you think are yours. As a side note a Shaman should have an experiential understanding of the lower, middle and upper world. It is sad to me that we are misusing this word and watering it down to mean anyone doing energy work.

As an energy worker and mystic, the way I clear these things is by taking the clients into a deep meditation where clients see for themselves that there is something in their energy that doesn’t belong there.  Simply, it can be the size of a pebble to a blob like structure. Entities and attachments like to nestle into the body of energy embedding and binding to organs.

Using the juice of the entity to clear up wounds

 As well as observing the entity, clients heal the wounded part of themselves in regression as this is the part that an entity binds to. So we unwind the entity by healing the inner wounds that it rests on (pokes). By doing this process, the client starts to collect more of themselves. They start to feel more light within as they are letting go of the wounded self.

The client slowly sees the part of themselves that is critical and we clean that up.  Your light is then amplified. Thoughts are fewer, leaving you to lean on mindfulness and enjoy a peace of mind instead of living with the inner critic.

Using the juice of the entity to clear up wounds

 As well as observing the entity, clients heal the wounded part of themselves in regression as this is the part that an entity binds to. So we unwind the entity by healing the inner wounds that it rests on. By doing this process, the client starts to collect more of themselves. They start to feel more light within as they are letting go of the wounded self.

Using Entities and attachments to awaken

Clients go through an awakening as they perceive how long it has been there. When they unconsciously gave permission for it to come on as a helper, and the power they have been giving it ever since. By seeing this clients become empowered to see how it has been impacting their life and take their power back by not speaking from it and giving into it’s wants and dislikes such as alcohol, drugs, sex, or simply certain foods. As well as not speaking the thoughts but noticing the thoughts. It must be noted that the thoughts are simple as this is a small consciousness.

Clients see for themselves the type of people it has been gravitating to and pushing others away. Understandably entities and attachments are just a negative sliver of consciousness, so one can be in an inner battle by not wanting to have these negative thoughts, addictions and certain negative behaviors such as losing one’s temper or being small. An entities negative thoughts and addictions can hinder clients and they can think these thoughts are there own or they  can resonate so deeply with the entities that they have charged reactions as the entities and attachments juice up a reaction or addiction.

The client slowly sees the part of themselves that is critical and we clean that up.  Their light is then amplified. Thoughts are fewer, leaving them to lean on mindfulness and enjoy a peace of mind instead of living with the inner critic and the disturber of their health.


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