Entity Possession On A Normal Person

I am sharing a story on how it is easy for a normal person to catch an entity. This can change the course of your life by inadvertently catching an entity. Knowledge is power and sadly this knowledge is becoming lost or misconstrued.

Recently I had breakfast with an older couple, close family friends. Through the years they became my role models demonstrating family values and leading a home with heart. I have loved going to their home and sharing the many meals over the years. I am forever grateful for them for showing my husband and I how to be a loving, loyal and supportive friend, patriarch and matriarch.

Over breakfast they shared their sadness how they were deeply hurt over their daughter in law who was soon to be their ex-daughter in law. I knew her well enough and was fond of her.

I hadn’t seen her for many years as we live in different cities. When I knew her, she was the perfect match as their son was a high functioning warm and caring charismatic extrovert with a career that everyone admired. He had a lot of friends and hosted many parties. With his strong family foundation his heart was every bit as warm as his parents. His wife wasn’t as charismatic but she felt like a good balance.

A Change Of Personality: Isolating and Insular Behavior

As the son and daughter in law lived in a different city I would take joy in hearing about how their dream custom home was coming to fruition.

After several years of marriage and several miscarriages later, I noticed the conversation changed when they spoke of her. Something was off. This daughter in-law started to retreat into herself. She took a dislike to them and her husband’s friends. Sadly by the time their dream house was built, she wouldn’t allow any parties in the house. She went into isolating behavior and stopped opening her home with welcome arms.

Of course, these beautiful people were miffed. “Was it all an act?” They wondered. None of us saw this coming. That is because it was a change in personality.


Entity Possession

More importantly, I share this with you, to bring awareness. This type of change of personality happens all the time. We have all witnessed when an adult or child has shut down and changed. Even yourself being different as a child or teenager and where did this shift in personality happen? We blame it on puberty however there can be something more involved to create such a change. Often this occurs after a trauma, fragility, a hospitalization, an accident or a death in the family.

You hear things like:

  • I was an outgoing child and not anymore.
  • I felt different after leaving the hospital.
  • This thing happened and I have never been the same since.
  • I used to love going out and now I don’t.
  • I’d rather be with my dog or cat.
  • I lost my hutzpah.
  • I have a lot of negative mind chatter

Sometimes when a person is so fragile they can open to an energy that claims to help them and they accept the assistance. This is done at the subconscious level. Yet, it is interesting that permission is given. When I regress people the most common thing I hear is ‘it tricked me. It is like armor that pushes people away.’ This small yet mighty energy is called an entity.

What is an Entity?

An entity is just a small piece of consciousness from a deceased person or someone who is unraveling from something like alzheimer’s or other debilitating diseases where someone starts to shed consciousness.  It is not an evil spirit but a piece of a person that is negative. Think of it as the habit body.

The negativity might be something like the part of a person that was:

  • fearful
  • angry
  • judgemental
  • shameful
  • depressed

It is simply a piece of consciousness. However, it does have a vibration and minor thought form. It becomes parasitic when it starts to incorporate into someones body of energy causing a vitality drain. As well, many health issues as they tend to bind into the body nesting in and around organs. Causing unnecessary operations such as hysterectomies.

entity possession

Like Attracts Like

If someone is experiencing trauma or are extra fragile, they are susceptible to catch an entity if there is one close by. So this is a good time to:

  • not drink alcohol
  • not do any kind of drugs including plant medicine
  • stay away or be very grounded in hospitals
  • energetically clean your house so entities don’t find a place to nest

What can bring trauma to one can be nothing to another so don’t think of trauma as a huge event. None the less, once there is trauma it informs your world.

These things are not evil and we are not victims to them. You can only catch an entity if you vibrate with it. So if you are angry and it is angry then there is opportunity to catch these little suckers. If lets say you weren’t angry and going through trauma or very fragile you likely would not catch it.

Sadly, I couldn’t share this information with my dear friends or with their daughter in law who I respected as it was too out there even though this subject is ancient knowledge that is known in churches and shamanism. They are not in alternative thought but in big-pharma medicine. So I bit my sore tongue.

An Entity

Most people think of entities on people as crazy people in the hospital and on the street. This is not reality. In the case of the daughter-in-law this is more than an inner wound. She demonstrates classic entity behavior where the entity just wants to be nested in the person and pushes others away, isolating behavior. Good people do this all the time. They call this getting rid of toxic people yet people in harmony don’t get rid of people they have healthy boundaries.

How to pick up an entity or attachment

The daughter-in-law had several miscarriages. Quite easily she picked up an entity or two from the miscarriages. The classic way to catch an entity is by being extra fragile. Likely with the traumatizing loss of a baby she pulled in an energy. It isn’t evil just a negative thought form. Such as anxiety and shows up by not wanting to be around people anymore. Entities tend to create a person to be more insular. That is because the actual entity wants to be left alone. They are often critical of others and can be misinterpreted as the inner critic when it is actually an entity possession. In this case she would hear a thought that she would think is hers as they think in the I.

  • You can go from liking people to ‘I don’t like them’
  • I want to be left alone
  • I need time alone
  • I want to stay home
  • I hate those people

In her case, the babies soul could have been around and she pulled in a fragment of the baby or a piece of someone else hovering around her. (Hospitals don’t have open windows and there are many fragmented energies in them.) This often happens around miscarriages and abortions. The pregnant woman doesn’t want to let go and pulls something in.

In the case of children, they can often get tricked into thinking they are helping a lost soul and take it on or a child needs extra help and a healthy adult isn’t there to help them but an entity often is there if people don’t have an element of prayer and peace in their homes. This is why it is important to create a safe home for children. So, many adults are living with an entity possession without any awareness.

Entity work is deep shadow work on a shamanic level

We are not victims. This is mother natures way of amplifying your inner work as it goes from an issue to a charged issue. Ultimately it is one of the reasons you are here on this planet. To do the inner work shamanically or the hard way, out in life.

Ultimately, this is why when people come to me suspecting an entity or delving into reoccurring patterns we find an entity. I do not just remove it right away. If an entity is removed without any shadow work done around it, the shadow self will still be intact and they are a magnet for catching another.

Never talk to an entity

Fair warning if you suspect an entity possession, never ask the entity about it. It will tell you all sorts of fantastical stuff, so that you keep it. For example, once a person told me that she will keep an entity that we found on her. She talked to it and it told her it was an ancient dragon, and was here to learn from her. So, yes it appealed to her ego and she kept it.

I can tell you: it was not a dragon.

In conclusion, no need to fear the subject. The bible and many spiritual traditions used to address this subject. Entities are just a small part of an ego. The are to help you along by amplifying your issues, but are parasitic in the long run. To remove an entity can be one’s greatest shift creating harmony in your life. Not everyone has an entity but most do as we as a culture suck at recognizing them and having proper rituals around death.

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