July 20, is Patron Saint Mary Magdalene’s Day as appointed by the Catholic Church and just by giving her that day is a direction towards restoring the divine feminine. ❤️ ✨The Church had cast her as a prostitute and denied that she was a fabulous teacher and the embodiment of the divine feminine. This is how they treated women. We are entering into a time where the divine feminine is landing on the planet for those seeking it. Being called!

I was raised as a Catholic. As a child I took Confirmation seriously. This is where you choose a Saints name that will carry you throughout your life. I chose the name Michelin as a female Angel Michael. Interestingly my Spiritual Teacher, Samuel Sagan who we nicknamed The Wizard, used to always address me as Michelle, which is pretty close, hey. He was horrified that he did this as I was his student for over 10 years. He said the name was strongly in my energy. I never put it together that he was reading my chosen spiritual name.

Ceremonies and vows are a serious thing. When do you unconsciously commit to vows? I have seen the smallest of vows said in the past affect clients in their now.

In my mid twenties I turned from Christianity after realizing that God wasn’t a bearded man in the sky. It was a harsh awakening for me. One where I truly mourned and yet it put me on the path I am on today.

The book The Sophia Code somehow brought this sacred awareness back to me. Especially Mother Mary. As a child I used to get trans-fixed on her and go into some truly communing and sacred spaces by staring at her statue during church. I never paid much attention to the priests but the statue and the stained glass windows would take me on a journey.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was never in my consciousness as the church at the time didn’t respect her, at least from my perspective. When I was getting my Certification as a Sophia Code Circle Facilitator I tapped more into Mary Magdalene. Some magical things happened in my communication with her. I will talk about it in our next Journey.

To my dismay when I was in a Sophia Circle on Mary Magdalene, Jesus came through and spoke to me and reminded me that I used to talk to him. My Grandmother had taught me to talk to Jesus as a friend before I went to sleep every night. In my turning away from Christianity I completely forgot that I did that for around 20 years. So truly we can all tap into these great Masters that are here for us. I personally don’t like the Christian message that we are all sinners.

I love the ritual, initiations, prayer, and sacredness that are weaved into the book The Sophia Code. The empowered messages and how the Ascended Masters want to develop a relationship with us and not be worshiped.

entering into the divine feminine with Mary Magdalene


Do you need to read the book or do a Journey to access the Masters? Heck no. 

Restoring the divine feminine

We are at a time of restoring the divine feminine but what does that mean? The divine feminine is such a foreign principal.  For me, and many others, a 13 Circle/Gathering Sophia Circle Journey in Ceremony helps me step more into the divine feminine. does hold your feet to the fire and get you really into the sacred text with the meditations, prayer, journaling prompts, and shared conversation and ritual space. It’s a Journey where you see our Altars for each Ceremony/Gathering Circle and it gets you more into creating your altars and sharing the love of these Ascended Master sisters who have walked the way ahead of us.

In the Sophia Code Mary Magdalene shares how she lived in a time when it wasn’t safe for women to be spiritually active. Women just weren’t safe, period. Jesus put an illusion of protection around her as she walked and taught by his side. She shares that now is the time where she will be revealed for who she really was and is as we are in an age of Golden Miracles. Below is a link of the US.Catholic.org talking about Mary Magdalene. It is interesting that her reputation is starting to be restored just as Mary Magdalene says it would be (in the Sophia Code).

Truly we are in a special time and many are being called. I hope you enjoy the talk. If you are interested in joining me in Septemebers Sophia Circle Journey please reach out by either enrolling now, emailing me, or scheduling a conversation.

Cheers to Mary Magdalene on this day of honor!  May we step more deeply into our divine feminine as it is safe to do so.

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